Monday, October 12, 2009

artie lange loves the show !


huge - literally, a huge fan of AT FULL VOLUME

wants to do an episode to prove he is actually not to fat to fish

Monday, September 14, 2009

I'm just blown away at the reponce we have been getting from the show......the fact that all the comments are about authenticity and living with urgency - the like minded in spirit and self begin to orbit

Johnny Colt heads to Thailand in the premier of

Johnny Colt heads to Thailand in the premier of ‘At Full Volume’

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the latest forum @ travel channel boards

Thursday, September 10, 2009

article from bass player

It’s not every day that a bass player gets his own show on cable television. Then again, Johnny Colt is not your typical bass player. The self-described “adrenalin junkie,” who’s ruled the low end of such killer acts as the Black Crowes, Supernova, and Train, is now the host of a new show on the Travel Channel, “Johnny Colt: At Full Volume.”

In the show’s pilot episode aired earlier this week, Colt basically traverses the globe and acts like a badass. It was an action-packed hour that saw Johnny traveling through Thailand, free-climbing cliffs, boxing cobras, and getting his butt whooped in a muay thai match. Good times.

I was lucky enough to catch Johnny with the Crowes a few times back in the ’90s, making this new show that much more enjoyable. The dude is the real deal—a modern-day pirate raised on rock & roll. Don’t miss the rebroadcast of “Johnny Colt: At Full Volume” this Thursday (and again next Tuesday) at 11pm on the Travel Channel. In the meantime, check in with Johnny at his blog: Keep it coming, Johnny! —Brian Fox

Posted by Brian Fox at 09/09/2009 01:15:57 PM |

Thursday, August 20, 2009

the desk that drives the show..........
mise en place of one LYDIA

i sit in the goddess chair, the mama that keeps these boys under control on the visual playground
when u have this combination of beauty and talent backing you.....well all i can say is , im making room on the mantel for my emmy
rummaging through LYDIA'S desk as we speak
looking around, i see my name on top of a script. 2 inches to the left is a bourdain show outline for panama.
amoung the.....
sticky notes
tic tacs
location idea folders
books - graphs - 4 pair of scissors ?
piles of books and mountains of paper work
i feel in really good company
and looking down at the via spiga shoes i know im being taking care off

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Kobra Boxing - hyper notes # 1

sweat pants and dress shoes - u know I'm over seas

coiled and ready to strike !!!!
the more i think about this scene, the more irresponsible i realise my camera man ( moe ) and myself were.

what ever it takes to get our freak on............ are the devils who will do it.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


this is MOE

this rascal is a died in the wool no holds barred son of a bitch - just like me
he proved himself worthy of the FULL VOLUME life style when staying on my hip every inch of the King Cobra fight.
Death was a two fanged flash away for both of us. Moe put his full trust in me, proving his madman statues. Looking down i noticed MOE's feet closer to the snake than mine, add the weight of the camera and he was asking for it. I had to ask MOE to back up - he F%@king ignored me like the GONZO bastard he is............instantly it was love at first snake bite ( honk - yea i wrote it - u wanna make something of it ) between me and my new camera man. aspirin please..........

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jarrod the producer

cant believe how much money were making moving
drugs through the borders with THAI drug lords.
the whole were filming a t v show works every time.

us army propaganda poster style

new looks for a new show..................

Thursday, August 6, 2009

notes from the voice over session

these are the actually transcripts from my voice over sessions.............check how many takes it takes to get a solid line - working to get way better at this but then what would we have to poke fun at !?



1:12 Johnny: You know it all came down to this, I woke up one morning and I found the bottom, what, sorry guys going again. You know it all came down to this, I woke up one morning and found the bottom half of the hour glass filling up quickly more sand behind me than in front. I spent the first half of my life - 1 - making music in various altered states it was a rather interesting mix of concer uggh, it was a rather interesting mix of concert halls hotels and bars, but this is my life act two, I want to see and hear the world anew, I want to experience it fully and authentically on my own terms, and if that means taking an ass whooping when I go to ahem, and if that means taking an ass whooping when I go to thai box then so be it, and by the way wisely, and by the way wisely doing it at the end of the shoot. Bay in Thailand seemed like a hell of a place to kick this whole thing off.

VO OPEN TAKE 02 Johnny: ok, You know it all came down to this, I woke up one morning and found the bottom half of the hour glass filling up quickly more sand. Hey Chris can you do me a favor, um if its not if it takes any work is there any way to get just a tiny bit of reverb, its so, I love how it, I love, I love how dry it sounds its almost like its sucking at the end of a word, I just need a little room.



Johnny: Yes, Um ok, let me find the line, it all comes, whatever you need baby, oh yea monster truck, um its uh wow it sounds really cool, I sound sexy I need all the help I can get believe that. You know it all came down to this, I woke up one morning and found the hour glass, ahem. Going again on three. You know it all comes down to this I woke up one morning with the hour glass half full, more sand behind me than in front I spent the first half of my life making music in various altered states it was a rather interesting mix of concert halls hotels and bars, but this is my life act two, I want to see and hear, I want to see and hear the world anew experience it fully and authentically on its own terms and if that means taking an ass whooping when I go to thai box. if that means I take an ass whooping when I go to thai box and by the way wisely doing it at the end of the shoot. Bay in Thailand seemed like a hell of a place to kick this whole thing off.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

voice over - transcript from the show

I woke up one morning and found the hour glass was running out. You know I spent the first half of my life spinning around the globe in a rock and roll band moving from the submarine of a tour bus to the enclosed hotel room, spending most of my time at the hotel bar, it’s a very insulated lifestyle, I’ve been around the world more times than I can count yet I’m not sure I’ve actually seen it. You know I want to spend the second half of my life, You know the act two of my life seeing the world anew seeing the person that I am today, hmm, hold for me, hold on just hold for me. After spending the first half of my life in a blurry mix of hotel rooms, tour busses, hotel bars never seeing daylight, I want to move into the act two, the second half of my life anew, fresh open on my own terms, I want to experience life fully and authentically, and if that means breaking a bone, sorry, that gives it away, and if that means taking an ass whooping thai boxing in, let me check this one more time, and if that means heading to Thailand and putting my whole self on the line in a Muay Carat fight so be it, Bay in Thailand seemed like a hell of a place to kick this whole thing off.

argie the greek

He was a tanker captain with the breath of a rotten corpse.
I considered pulling the dead tooth, for what else could produce such a vile and consistently fowl odor
Above all Argie was Greek.
He was friendly
He was loud
And all to happy to fill me in on whatever crossed his mind
Judging by the Greek's surrounding me and my new friend argie ( short for some Greek name straight out of my middle school mythology book )
, I'd better get used to people
Crashing through my personal space barrier and talking so close it almost ends in a kiss
According to argie, his wife was angry that he missed the birth of their child while out at sea. Apparently to pay for the lifestyle she demanded was hard work. Argie found his wife's attitude bewildering and explained " only an American women would act this way - spoiled "
Seat 18B, 11 hours to Greece.
The land of Odysseus is waiting.
my imagination is stabbing the eye of the cyclops. Between peanuts I'm wondering how Odysseus had the balls to sail the sea when Poseidon was furious at him for blinding his son ? Would Gordon Gecko's
Son open a competing firm on wall street? Damn right he wouldn't because As products of these modern times we are mentally soft as marshmallow's.
Hat would the men of classic Greece say about the modern man ?
Argie captains one of those huge tankers that run into bridges and spill oil or perhaps traffic humans in shipping containers......the photo on his phone proves the size of his boat. " I think he may be compensating "
After many sweeping and negative comments about Filipinos, I sort out that he runs a band of 25 cut throats made up of mostly " those people ".
Its at this point against my better judgment, I decide to share my food with this mad man. As his stubby hands tear into my snacks I realize I'm breaking bread with a Greek slave runner
Who, judging by his breath, ate the cargo that didn't survive his last voyage.
I scan the man closely for an off button but to no avail.
I have 7 more hours in the air And I'm afraid the air marshal is gonna take this lunatic down.
Like a lightning strike hits me, you never know when u may have move sensitive material across foreign shores. If rock n roll and a stint as a D list t v star don't pay off, I'm perfect for the smuggling business.
A huge smile on my face startles the stewards into asking me if I'm O.K.
O.K. ?! I'm more than O.K.,
I haven't even touched the earth of Greece and I'm already glad I came
pardon typos
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